24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 93.3 WSCP-FM The Scoop rules the airwaves in the city of Peculiar Springs... until 15 seconds of dead air threatens their livelihoods, their community standing, and the station itself. Follow the crew as they bumble in the footsteps of their station founder on a ride that takes them to the most peculiar corners of the Springs.

Meet the crew of 93.3 WSCP FM – The Scoop

Mallory Brimm

Programming Director, Reporter, Afternoon Host

She’s a workaholic and doesn’t see why others can’t share that same drive. She has worked well with Gus, who has become a surrogate father figure of sorts, for nearly 10 years. She’s got an overwhelming case of imposter syndrome that says she doesn’t deserve to take over the station, despite already doing so much to keep the station running smoothly. Her by-the-book attitude and laser-pointed focus see her succeed... until anything unexpected happens and knocks her off course. It's difficult for the blinders to come off. 

Brandon Bardo

Morning Host, Reporter

The wise-cracking yin to Mallory’s no-nonsense yang. He used to work for a commercial station in the big city, but was let go due to “personality disagreements”. The seven-minute-long anti-capitalist diatribe that followed the bottom-of-the-hour commercial break didn’t help. He appreciates the authenticity of Peculiar Springs and will fight to make sure it doesn't become another interstate outlet mall exit. 

Mackenzie ‘Mack’ Harrison

Accountant, Underwriter, Reporter

Mack is money, baby.

She’ll also ask if you’ve got any. Or if you’d like to sponsor your business... or perhaps your pet. For a price, naturally. Non-commercial just means you gotta think outside the box. She set up a retro-bohemian trailer in her backyard as a short-term rental, which is usually occupied by her niece, Tamryn Woods, on any "date night". 

The longest running employee that WSCP has, she takes no prisoners when it comes to business, prefers numbers to people (until nightfall), and is the life of the party (until that ship takes on a life of its own).

Tamryn Woods


If she gets the coffee, she gets college credit. If she figures out a way not only to save the station, but how to save the reputations of the employees of 93.3 WSCP, she gets college credit. She’ll at least get the coffee.

When there's work to be done, she is the first to be called up. She may not hear the call, however, because a new episode of her favorite podcast just dropped, and those expensive ear buds better well have noise cancellation. A hard worker when she has to be, and brilliant when she wants to be, she has no personal attachment to her position at WSCP... despite being Mackenzie Harrison's niece. 

Gus Fotheringham

Station Owner, Station Manager, Night Host

The man that put Peculiar Springs on the airwaves in 1974 after making money for 13 years running a beloved ice cream shop below it in the town square. 

Peculiar Springs

A modest city with a population of 11,418, Peculiar Springs was named after its natural hot springs and the “peculiar” clay-like aroma that arose when they found some of the rock formations surrounding the springs were made of Kaolinite. Sister city to Wookey Hole, UK

Meet the creative people behind Peculiar Radio.